2011.09-2015.07 44118太阳成城集团动力与机械学院能源动力系统及自动化专业,本科
2015.09-2020.07 44118太阳成城集团动力与机械学院流体机械及工程专业,博士
2018.09-2019.08 瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)流体机械及工程专业,博士(联合培养)
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2022.08-至今 44118太阳成城集团,副研究员
2021至今 中国力学学会流体控制工程专业委员会 委员
2022-2023 《排灌机械学报》编委
季斌,程怀玉,徐顺,龙新平. 推进泵叶顶间隙空化水动力学[M]. 武汉:科学出版社, 2022. (获2021年度国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助)
[1] Cheng H Y, Bai X R, Long X P, Ji B*, Peng X X, Farhat M. Large eddy simulation of the tip-leakage cavitating flow with an insight on how cavitation influences vorticity and turbulence[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 77: 788-809. (本人一作, 一区TOP, 入选该期刊Featured Paper,ESI高被引论文, WOS中被引205次,是该期刊2020年发表的583篇论文中被引频次最高的论文)
[2] Cheng H Y, Long X P, Ji B*, Peng X X, Farhat M. A new Euler-Lagrangian cavitation model for tip-vortex cavitation with the effect of non-condensable gas[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 103441. (本人一作, ESI高被引论文)
[3] Cheng H Y, Ji B*, Long X P, Huai W X, Farhat M. A review of cavitation in tip-leakage flow and its control[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(2): 226-242. (本人一作,主编约稿)
[4] Cheng H Y, Long X, Ji B*, Peng X, Farhat M. LES investigation of the influence of cavitation on flow patterns in a confined tip-leakage flow[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 186: 106115. (本人一作)
[5] Cheng H Y, Long X P, Ji B*, Peng X X, Farhat M. Suppressing tip-leakage vortex cavitation by overhanging grooves[J]. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61: 159. (本人一作)
[6] Xu M H, Cheng H Y*, Ji B*, Peng X X. LES of tip-leakage cavitating flow with special emphasis on different tip clearance sizes by a new Euler-Lagrangian cavitation model[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 213: 107661. (本人为共同通讯作者)
[7] Bai X R, Cheng H Y*, Ji B*, Long X P, Qian Z D, Peng X X. Comparative Study of different vortex identification methods in a tip-leakage cavitating flow[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 207: 107373. (本人为共同通讯作者)
[8] Bai X R, Cheng H Y*, Ji B*. LES Investigation of the noise characteristics of sheet and tip leakage vortex cavitating flow[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 146: 103880. (本人为共同通讯作者)
[9] Bai X R, Cheng H Y*, Ji B, Long X P. Spatial and spectral investigation of turbulent kinetic energy in cavitating flow generated by Clark-Y hydrofoil[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32(1): 175-178. (本人为通讯作者)
[10] Xu M H, Cheng H Y*, Ji B*. RANS simulation of unsteady cavitation around a Clark-Y hydrofoil with the assistance of machine learning[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 231: 109058. (本人为共同通讯作者)
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